Sinus Inflammation - Testimony

I had a sinus infection for more than a month with the following symptoms
- sinus drip in throat
- sore throat
- rough voice
- closed nose...👃🤧
- teary eyes...👀
- thick head🤕
I used Ambrotose Complex and Manna-C.
Day 4 my nose started running. I had a "cross-country" runny nose for 8 days. After that I woke up every morning with an open airway until today and it is 3 months later. I only used it for 1 month. The mucus completely reduced... The sinus inflammation cleared up and I felt more human than ever.
My pH was then already 7.5. The products therefore worked very quickly!


📌Manna C and Sinusitis testimony.

For the last four decades I have struggled severly with hayfever and sinusitus to the extent of undergoing sinus drainage and I have tried everything from antihistamines, inhalers, eyedrops and more in a multitiude of brands and a variety of versions to no avail. Until almost two years ago when I started using Manna-C. In the beginnig I took the Manna-C alongside my antihistamine and gradually phased it out and now Manna-C is all I need. My face, my ears and throat were uncontrollably itchy day in and day out but after Manna-C in the morning and Manna-C in the evening I am honestly a changed person. 📍The Mannatech products assisted my body to correct this irritation that was always part of my life.

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